I have a long list of bugs that I encountered when I was trying to
arrange FM10's windows and dialogs / pods the way I like them.

I reset FM10 to its defaults, left the UI in its default state, and
gave up on keyboard shortcuts for most things, that works better.

I'd use FM8 if I had a copy. Much more efficient and stable.

On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 9:48 PM, Linda Pelton <lapelton at gmail.com> wrote:
> I currently own Frame 8 at home. Was upgraded from Frame 8 at work to Frame
> 10 because a newly acquired company writer had Frame 7. I still hate Frame
> 10. The pods are an abomination as far as I am concerned. Unless you unpod
> them, some of the dialogs which spawn an intermediate dialog, disappear
> without you having an opportunity to apply. ...

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