Thanks, Chris!

Based on what I see already, I think I will find the SafetyMIF tool quite 
useful, I believe!

Separate question: I have a version of a document that describes your CUDspan 
tools, but do not see it on your web site. Is there an updated version that you 
could provide?

Thanks again,


From: framers-bounces at 
[] On Behalf Of Chris Despopoulos
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2012 12:14 PM
To: framers at
Subject: Re: save as... FM 8 Mif

It's starting to get weird, how often this subject keeps coming up.

First, Maker 10 MIF should not have any problem opening up in Maker 8.  So 
there's no obvious need to actually produce Maker 8 MIF.  (Unless your work 
flow demands that the MIF actually be version 8.)

Second, I have a free plugin on my site called SafetyMif...  The idea is that 
whenever you perform a save operation, the plugin also saves a MIF version of 
your file.  So you could open a book, hit Save All In Book, and you would have 
MIFs for all the files in the book. Then save the book, and you have a MIF for 

To easily open the files in Maker 8, you grab a dir with all the MIFs, and any 
referenced files.  Then change the filename extension for all the doc files 
FROM .mif TO .fm.  Then open the book, open all files in book, then save all 
files in book...  For saving the files, you'll have to confirm overwriting the 
mif files (they all say .fm in their filenames) with binary.  It so happens I 
also have a freeware tool for changing the filename extension.

You can find this stuff at  Go into the professional pages, and 
look for freeware tools.  The SafetyMif plugin is in the Maker 11 and 10 
sections.  The file extension tool is in the Java section.

Good luck!

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