Judy Bragg

> My company is soon to begin working with translation software.
> Until now, my images have been filed in a chapter subfolder. Since our images 
> will
> not be localized, I'm moving the images to a location where they can be 
> accessed
> by each language by the same path. That way, I add/change an image once and
> everything updates.
> The downside...I have to update the paths for all of the images in my current 
> English
> documentation.? Redefining the path for each image (or every few images) as 
> the
> interface asks for it is proving very time-consuming and tedious.

You can use the XtraBookUtils plugin for this.

< http://www.bache.name/sgml.html>

According to this page, the plugin is for Frame 5-7, but I've got it working in 
Frame 9. 

This will create a list of all the image file paths in a book, you can edit the 
list to reflect the new paths, then the plugin will change the paths. 

tip: you can use Find/Replace to replace all the paths. 
1. select the second column in the table (column heading 'new reference'), and 
set  Find/Replace to Look in: Selection
2. when replacing a file path, you have to specify it as 
directory//directory2//file.tif   (the / is a control character in this dialog)

Harro de Jong

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