grant at wrote:

> Is there a way to generate a list of variables used in a book?
> I don't see anything in the native functionality.

It could be done with a script (FrameScript or ExtendScript). For a file, you 
could save it as MIF, open that in a text editor, and pull out the variable 
definition entries. They look like this: 

  <VariableName `Copyright Date'>
  <VariableDef `2011-2012'>
 > # end of VariableFormat

If for some reason, your book has different variables in different component 
files, you could import the variables from each book file into a temporary 
file, and then save the temp file as MIF.

It also sounds like a good enhancement idea for the already very handy EZVars 
plugin ( 

Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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