Hi all,

I have been using FM 10 for about 2 years. It seems like FrameMaker will
randomly crash at least once a day on me. And I do mean crash --- get the
infamous fatal exception dialog box and then FrameMaker goes kaput. In
response to the inevitable debug questions:

-yes i have done a mif wash
-no this doesn't happen with a particular book or framemaker file. It
happens randomly no matter what book or file i am in and i have over 3,000
pages of documentation.
-yes, these files have existed since FM 9 -- not sure why that version
should make a difference
-there is no conditional text in any of the files. I do use text insets and
-no the crash doesn't seem to happen when i do a particular thing. The only
common thing that occurs is that i use hot keys a lot. That said, I use hot
keys a lot and most of the time the crash does not happen.
-no i am not on a network share. All files are local.
-Yes, FM 10 is fully patched.

In any event, debugging why this crash is happening would be non-trivial
and even if i did figure out why its happenings, there's no guarantee that
i'd able to find a fix. Adobe certainly isn't going to provide one.

Consequently, I am wondering if people have noticed whether FM 11 is
significantly more stable.Since I am in unstructured, there wasn't a
compelling reason for me to upgrade. However, i'll consider doing it, if it
will reduce or eliminate the frequency of crahses on framemaker.

Joseph Lorenzini
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