I think your problem may be in the use of a watched folder. The problem may be 
caused by the fact that the relative locations of the files in the watched 
folder is not the same as their relative locations in the directory structure 
of either the source directory or the target installation directory; the 
watched folder flattens the directory structure to a single level. 

I'd try two alternate approaches.
1) Create a watched folder directory structure that matches the source and 
target structures.
2) Print to the Adobe PDF virtual printer to create the PDF files directly in 
the target directory structure.

-Fred Ridder

Subject: RE: [f2a] RE: Hypertext links not working
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 08:59:37 -0700
From: dave.st...@gdc4s.com
To: gail.bergan at bergan.com
CC: framers at lists.frameusers.com; frame2acrobat at yahoogroups.com

2013-08-26-01T16:00Z Gail ? Yes, I print the book all at once to only one 
watched folder.  I?m using File | Print Book? > Separate File for Each Docu.  
The arrangement of the .fm files is the same as arrangement of the .pdf files 
is to be. This is the first time in _years_ that I?ve needed to do this, so 
it?s mighty perplexing.  I, too, customarily print large books including tables 
of contents and indices and such.  Those files are in only one folder, and I 
use File > Single File.  Everything works great. But not with the source and 
output files in different folders . . .. Regards,Dave StammInformation 
EngineerGeneral Dynamics C4 Systems, Inc.Integrated Log Engr Svc, Logistics 
Section1700 Magnavox Way, Suite 200     We'll hit your targets from here.?Fort 
Wayne, Indiana  46804-1552; UStel:  260-434-9620              fax:  
260.434.9501 / 9509dave.stamm at gdc4s.com     http://www.gdc4s.com/ This 
message and / or attachments may include information subject to GDC4S S.P. 
1.8.6 and GD Corporate Policy 07-105 and are intended to be accessed only by 
authorized recipients.  Use, storage and transmission are governed by General 
Dynamics and its policies.  Contractual restrictions apply to third parties.  
Recipients should refer to the policies or contract to determine proper 
handling.   Unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. 
 If you are not an intended recipient, please contact the sender and destroy 
all copies of the original message. From: Gail Bergan [mailto:gail.bergan at 
Sent: 2013-08-26-Monday 11:25
To: Stamm, David-P45904
Cc: <info at heiko-haida.de>; <framers at lists.frameusers.com>; <frame2acrobat 
at yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Re: [f2a] RE: Hypertext links not working Hi Dave, Is your 
begin_here.pdf being written to the same watched folder? I use a similar setup 
when producing my larger books (a Start.pdf file that has a large TOC that 
links to the individual "chapter" files). But I must write ALL files at once, 
including Start, hyperlinked Index, and individual chapters, from the book file 
so that relative links are not broken. When I test them in the Out folder, 
everything works, and then I can move them en masse to wherever the final files 
will reside. If I try to write the Start file by itself, then the Index by 
itself, or the chapters, I find I have broken links. I hope I understood your 
problem correctly and this helps. Gail---------Sent from my iPad---------Gail 
R. Bergan, PresidentBergan et al., Inc.413 So. Church St.Rockport, TX 
78382361-727-2343 www.bergan.comwww.linkedin.com/pub/gail-bergan/30/aa6/391
On Aug 26, 2013, at 6:50 AM, <dave.stamm at gdc4s.com> wrote:  

Tino ? 

Thanks for your time, interest, and effort. Unfortunately, I failed to include 
in my original posting that I must produce _separate_ .pdf files. So, I still 
have the problem. 

After I print the book to separate files, I check a link while all the files 
are in [WatchedFolder] \ out. The links work great. Unfortunately, after I move 
?BEGIN_HERE.pdf? into its place and the other files into their place, the links 
don?t work. 

Please note that I?m posting this to the Frame-to-Acrobat list, too. 


Dave Stamm 

Information Engineer 

From: Heiko Haida [mailto:i...@heiko-haida.de] 
Sent: 2013-08-23-Friday 11:31 
To: Stamm, David-P45904; Framers 
Subject: Re: Hypertext links not working 

Hi Dave, 

I just set up some files according to your description, with hyperlinks from 
each "target"-file to the others and back to the BEGIN_HERE.fm. 

Well, I could see no problems within the files or in the pdf... 

(My files are mainly local, but I also copied the folder to an external drive 
for the test.) 

Just to make sure: 

If "TargetA" is one example for a named hyperlink-destination in file 
"targetA.fm" (and so on...), and "BEGIN" is the named destination in the file 
"BEGIN_HERE.fm", the link options look like this: 

Link from BEGIN_HERE.fm to the other files: gotolink ABC_DEF/targetA.fm:TargetA 
(...and so forth for B, C, and D) 

Link from targetA.fm to targetB.fm: gotolink targetB.fm:TargetB 

Link from targetA.fm back to BEGIN_HERE.fm: gotolink ..//BEGIN_HERE.fm:BEGIN 

I am enclosing my PDF, if you don't mind. 

Good luck... 

Tino H. Haida. Berlin 

Dave.Stamm at gdc4s.com: 


Windows 7 Enterprise Service Pack 1 
64-bit operating system 
FrameMaker installed on workstation 
Folder and all files on a server on the local area network in accordance with 
corporate policy 

I am unable to consistently encode hypertext links among five files in one 
unstructured book. 

Here's how the files are arranged: 

NOTE: The .book file and all the target files are "children" of folder 
\Abc_Def. File BEGIN_HERE.fm is "sibling" of folder \Abc_Def and is to contain 
links to all four targets. 

Folder \Abc_Def 
File dir_Abc_Def.book 
File targetA.fm 
File targetB.fm 
File targetC.fm 
File targetD.fm 

I moved File BEGIN_HERE.fm out of folder \Abc_Def because a recipient of the 
informational product (portable document format files) wants it that way. I am 
using a character tag to constrain both the newlinks and gotolinks to small 
amounts of text. Before I moved file BEGIN_HERE.fm out of folder \Abc_Def, 
crossreferences among all files worked flawlessly. 

My latest attempt has been to specify named destinations (for example, newlink 
dir_About.fm) and jumps to named destinations (for example, gotolink 

In the source .fm files, these jumps work only a small part of the time. In the 
deliverable .pdf files, they don't work at all. 

Dave Stamm 
Information Engineer 


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