Hi Ken, since you asked?

If you're using your Fm source to create EPUB, spaces and assorted odd 
characters in files, directories, graphics and (spot) cross-reference markers 
will prevent the EPUB from validating.

I'm now in the habit of using only alphanumeric names for files, directories, 
and markers. 


Matt R. Sullivan 
co-author Publishing Fundamentals: Unstructured FrameMaker 11 
P: 714.798.7596 | C: 714.585.2335 | matt at mattrsullivan.com 

@mattrsullivan LinkedIn facebook mattrsullivan.com 

On Aug 25, 2013, at 8:48 AM, Ken Poshedly <poshedly at bellsouth.net> wrote:

> I recall in years past that a pop-up would occur if an "illegal" character 
> was used in a filename, but I never see that anymore. At least now we know 
> not use commas in a FrameMaker filename. Aare there any other such characters 
> I should know about? 

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