There are a bunch of systems that will produce formatted output, but 
none that I know of that are smart enough to understand a random 
selection of formats and recreate them in format x.

No doubt people will chime in with their favourites, some are seemingly 
better at some formats than others, so you ought to say which output 
style you want and take the next step in selecting the system you want 
to use.

Personally, I prefer bibtex and a text bib file. Aside from that, I tend 
to type my references by hand these days because in the end, I have 
wasted more time trying to get reference databases to output what I want 
than I would have spent just typing them up.

If however it is your choice to use a system, then you will need to 
extract the relevant data and input that into their relevant fields. No 
system I have found is smart enough to do that for me, but I might have 
missed that episode of CSI.


On 13/02/13 9:10 AM, Steve Rickaby wrote:
> Do any academic editors out there know of any software that will take an 
> existing reference list made up of entries in a variety of formats and render 
> a list in which all references have the same format? Not necessarily in 
> FrameMaker: Word would do.
> I have, for example, a mix of Art Snoggins and Snoggins A., some page ranges 
> that use hyphens, some that use en dashes, the same journal or conference 
> listed in three or four different ways, and so on. Yech.

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