Been a while since I looked at them, but have you checked out the
templates Adobe has? They're from version 5.5.x, but they should be
more than enough to get you started.

Scroll way down the page until you see "Version 6.0 and before".

On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 10:55 AM, John Posada <jposada99 at> wrote:
> Hi guys...i just started using FM11 at my gig after being away since 7.2 and
> for the last 3 days have been setting up templates from scratch. I dont have
> a problem with doing this, but as the only writer in the department it is
> taking forever. My question, and fir those who know that im not trying to
> sponge off you guys, but if I can shorten this process by customizing an
> existing template, it would be appreciated. Im doing books using the 1.0,
> 1.1, 1.1.1 numbering pattern.
> Thanks guys much appreciated.
> John Posada
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Lin Sims

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