Hi everyone

I actually raised this as a bug with Adobe when I first saw FM11. It's worse 
than just ugly for me; that drop-shadow's a bit of a migraine trigger. I'm 
really hoping they'll make it optional!


>>> "Carol J. Elkins" <celkins at awrittenword.com> 02/21/13 7:57 AM >>>
I'm so glad other people have commented about their dislike of this 
"feature." I hate it too. But it isn't that the text isn't sharp, 
it's that it has a white drop-shadow. Adobe, please make this go away 
on the next version or tell us if we can change it ourselves. It has 
made it very difficult to read the text in my tabs.


At 11:00 AM 2/20/2013, you wrote:
>Subject: Re: Frame 11 Appearance
>Message: 17
>Under Edit > Preferences you can select the monitor size. That might 
>sharpen the text on the tabs.
>Shmuel Wolfson
>On 20-Feb-13 3:50 PM, Joel wrote:
>>I am on Windows 7, using Frame 11.
>>Ever since moving to Win 7 and Frame 11, the appearance of my tabs 
>>is really ugly. For example:
>>Not sure if you can tell from this, but the fonts are highlighted 
>>and shadowed in a strange way. Does anyone know if this is a Frame 
>>or a Windows setting? Changing Windows settings hasn't seemed to 
>>affect this. Thanks,


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