Hello all,
I have a table with one column containing a control counter that I require.
Come pdf production I want to hide that counter (entire column, preferably),
so I need conditional text. It's not possible to apply conditional text to a
column, and I understand why you cannot hide the autonumumber in
conditionalized text in a table cell. The only work-around that occurs to me
is to insert a text frame into an anchored frame that's placed in the cell,
and apply the condition to the counter I insert in the text frame. That works
as far as I can see, and the autonumbered paragraph is not used anywhere else
and has its own letter prefix. It still seems somewhat fragile, though -
before I go with this, can anyone see anything that might break this scheme (I
won't change the table sorting direction in the document.)

Cheers and thanks,

Michael Heine
London, Ontario

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