If this was working with FrameMaker 7 and is not working with
FrameMaker 9, the problem is with your PDF settings. You shouldn't
need to install anything or change the FrameMaker source.

When saving as PDF, make sure that on the Links tab you have Create
Named Destinations for All Paragraphs checked.

After saving, open the PDF in Acrobat and make sure that Enable Fast
Web View is Yes.


On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 10:48 AM, Robert Lauriston <robert at lauriston.com> 
> The PDF has to be generated with "Enable Fast Web View" on and the
> links have to be to named destinations, for example:
> http://www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/pdf_open_parameters_v9.pdf#nameddest=G4.1500435
> Also, if the PDF is on a server, it has to support byte serving.
> On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 9:38 AM, Harvey, Peggy
> <Peggy_Harvey at alliedtelesis.com> wrote:
>> I was wondering if anyone could help me with this. I?ve come into a
>> situation where I need to maintain an online help system that uses a PDF
>> document as the target. When you click a Help button in a dialog box it?s
>> supposed to bring up a particular page (or go to a particular heading) in
>> the PDF ? not just open the PDF on page 1. Does anyone know how this might
>> be done? The PDF is created from FrameMaker so I?m assuming there must be
>> markers in the FrameMaker files somewhere but I can?t find them, or I?m not
>> sure what to look for. The person who created this system isn?t here anymore
>> so I?m trying to figure out what he did to make this work. When it worked
>> the PDF was created from FrameMaker 7; I?m using FrameMaker 9. It appears
>> all of the Help buttons in the product are broken now ? they open up the PDF
>> file I created in FM 9 but only to the first page, so they aren?t
>> context-sensitive anymore. I don?t know if upgrading to FM 9 made a
>> difference here or not.

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