Shlomo Perets sent me the answer below to that questions.

Rick: Does your solution work when the hyperlink is the "goto" type?

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: FrameMaker hyperlinks
Date:   Sun, 28 Dec 2008 17:58:13 +0200
From:   Shlomo Perets <>
To:     Shmuel Wolfson <shmuelw1 at>


You wrote:

 >When I follow a link to another file in the FM book, it usually does not
 >close the current file. Other times it does close the current file. Is
 >this a bug or a feature, and how do I disable closing the current file?

FrameMaker hyperlinks have two variations: goto and open

The goto variation displays the target document in the current window
(closing the currently-displayed file); the open variation displays the
target document in a new window, leaving the current document open.

The goto/open behavior of hypertext markers generated automatically (eg in
TOC/IX) is controlled through the corresponding flow in the reference page,
eg: openObjectId <$relfilename>:<$ObjectType> <$ObjectId>

With respect to cross-references, the goto/open behavior is controlled
internally by the "DViewOnlyXRef" property (accessible through MIF).

If you press the Shift key when activating a link/cross-ref with
Ctrl-Alt/cross-ref (that is, Ctrl-Alt-Shift-click), the goto... is
interpreted as an open... action (and vice versa).

Notice that the goto/open variation only applies to links activated in
FrameMaker, and is not carried over to PDF interactivity (where all
links/cross-refs become "goto", more info at ).

Shlomo Perets

Training/consulting: FrameMaker, Acrobat, Captivate ++

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