Saving to Postscript and distilling does work, 
but I did see a "can't open [thisfilename].fm" 
message at the bottom of the book window beneath 
the list of pages. The file did open, .ps file 
was created correctly, distilled correctly.

I thought the "save as PDF" function in FM11 (my 
current version) had evolved beyond being so 

Would still love to know a functional solution.

Unchecking "Remember missing font names" 
preference had no effect. I believe in older 
versions of FM this had to be done for every 
file; but I don't see that in FM11. In any case, 
only this file as part of the book generated the 
error, and only this file is named in the error 
message. Saving the book to PDF without this file 
does not generate the error. This file DOES 
convert to PDF by itself, no problem at all.

Deleting unused formats in this file from the 
Paragraph Catalog and the Table Catalog does not 
prevent the book error, "Could not open 
[thisfilename].fm, because it uses unavailable 
fonts," on saving as PDF.

Doing the same from the Character Catalog still 
leaves a "default ? font" that cannot be removed 
(or modified from the user interface at least). I 
presume that default contains the missing but 
unused Times font.

In a copy of my file, I inserted one of each 
table default format (A and B), changed the fonts 
from Times to what I wanted and clicked "update 
all" each time, saved the file. Then I opened my 
actual file, imported the formats from the copy, 
saved. Tried to save as PDF--and got the same 
error. Maybe the changes made in the copy don't 
stick, or maybe they won't import to another 
file. Either way I'd be stuck doing this over and 
over--no help to workflow. Note: Times appeared 
in gray in the Paragraph Designer font pull-down, 
so I am fairly confident it is the culprit.

If modifying the "custom" program file only works 
on new docs, that won't help... this project is 
based on established files and templates.

I have other versions of Times so I have no need 
for the missing one, unless it is essential to 
FM's operation. At least one of those other 
versions appears in reference pages (mapping 
table cells, etc.), but plain Times does not.


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