Hi Tammy,

do you know TOOLBOX since FrameMaker 7, since FrameMaker 10 we call it:

Take "List of Paragraph Overrides", another beautiful feature is "Rename
Formats by Configuration".

Or take "Formats" > "Delete unused"/"Add new"...

NEW: Online Help with General and all details - here the general:

TOOLBOX and Finalyser for 30 days free. Try it.

Wednesday Jan 30th at 10am US/pacific - free Adobe Webinar about
TOOLBOX/Finalyser: http://adobe.ly/Thu9dR

-          Georg

Subject: Finding overrides in Framemaker files

Framemaker 10, all patched, Win 7, 64 bit. 

I have a Framemaker book that contains 8 chapter files. I know that
overrides to paragraph styles in a file are marked with an asterisk in
the Information Bar at the bottom of the file. I am producing OLH for a
client using a 15 year old technology (Sun JavaHelp) and I don't have an
option to change that right now. In the tool that I use, ePublisher,
reports are generated including a Styles report that specifically lists
all paragraph tags that have an override to them. This report, however,
is not available for a Sun JavaHelp output for many reasons but I still
need to be able to find overrides in the Framemaker source files. Is
there a script that is available to do this, or is there a way to use
FM's functionality that I am not aware of to do this?



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