Ah, yes, thanks for adding to the list of possible culprits, Fred!  In 
particular, I've also seen the cloned main text frame.  That's a tough one to 
troubleshoot because as you say, it overlies the "real" one.  Here's how I 
finally found it:

Ctrl-click on the main text frame.
Grab one of the selection handles and drag it to the up or left to make it 
smaller than the "real" frame.
Press Ctrl-L to refresh the view.
If you still see the outline of the main text frame, then the frame you just 
resized is extra. Delete it.
If you don't still see the main text frame, the one you resized is actually the 
"real" frame.  Press Ctrl-Z to undo the resizing.

From: framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com 
[mailto:framers-boun...@lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of Fred Ridder
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 7:06 AM
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
Subject: RE: Pagination FM 11

Anita Gutierez wrote:

>This is a wild guess out of nowhere. :)  Sometimes I've had "empty"
>pages which actually contain a tiny, invisible little text box-in other
>words, some object that Frame thinks it is supposed to keep. When
>I update the book or save the file, the empty pages remain unless
>I find the offending object and delete it.

This is much the same suggestion I was going to make. But there are other types 
of invisible things that cause the same behavior. For example, it can be an 
empty graphic frame rather than a text frame. And the text frame can be big 
rather than small--there have been cases in the past when users accidentally 
created a clone of the main text frame that is virtually impossible to see 
because it exactly overlies the default frame. A custom master page assignment 
also counts as something that will make a specific page non-empty even if there 
is no visible content.

-Fred Ridder
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