Friday July 12, 10AM Pacific Time:
Rich PDF output from DITA via FrameMaker

FrameMaker 11 is a complete DITA authoring and publishing solution. With 
built-in support for DITA 1.2, you can open XML files directly, edit as needed 
and save back to your DITA .xml source files. In addition, FrameMaker is 
recognized as one of the easiest and best options for DITA output to PDF. Join 
us as veteran online trainer and Adobe Certified Instructor Matt Sullivan 
presents this straightforward walk through of FrameMaker's DITA PDF publishing 
workflow. Matt will cover topics including:

== The differences between ditamap and FrameMaker binary formats
== Proper usage of FrameMaker nested books and flat file books
== Accessing the default FrameMaker DITA template files to brand your PDF output
== A discussion of FrameMaker Publishing Server for scheduling regular builds 
of your output.

At the end of this session you will be comfortable creating basic DITA files, 
as well as making changes to those files and outputting them to PDF. 

You may register at:

Maxwell Hoffmann |  Product  Evangelist  |  Adobe  |  p. +01 503.336.5952  |  
mhoffman at -
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