On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 10:07:47 -0700, Scott Prentice <sp10 at leximation.com> 

>Leximation will soon be releasing a plugin called FM2DITA. This is 
>basically a collection of tools that make it much easier to convert from 
>unstructured FM to DITA. If you're using the FrameMaker conversion table 
>method for converting, this will save you lots of time. Here's the 
>current docs ..
>     http://docs.leximation.com/fm2dita/0.11/

You might want to mention the price you have in 
mind.  We don't even look at tools that don't
have prices on their Web site.  Red flag. <g>

>If you're interested in giving this a test drive, contact me off-list.
>This is not yet available for purchase, but I hope to have it ready in 
>the coming weeks.

Or, if you want to use the tool chosen by 26% of
FrameMaker users for this (per a recent impartial 
poll), check out Mif2Go:

We've always recommended Scott's DITA-FMx for those
who plan to continue editing in Frame.  However,
for the conversion itself, we've been fine-tuning 
for several years, with the help of DITA-TC members
who are using it for major conversion projects at 
their Fortune 50 companies...  ;-)  So we're a tad
ahead in this area.  Check out both, and decide 
for yourself.

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at omsys.com>    http://mif2go.com/

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