I don't have any difficulties using Courier in FrameMaker today. :)

However, some years ago, I switched to Consolas for fixed-width text in my 
documents. It looks _much_ cleaner on sample code, in PDF files and on a 
display screen, etc., than any of the Courier fonts available.

You might check to see if the company will allow it instead of Courier.


From: framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com 
[mailto:framers-boun...@lists.frameusers.com] On Behalf Of Davis, David
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 7:21 AM
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com
Subject: "Do not use the Courier(r) font when Adobe Type Manager(r) is turned 

Hi folks.
After not using Frame day-to-day for a few years, I've finally landed a 
contract where they want me to use it...
So I am just finding out what's new in Frame 11 and reading through all the 

Not wanting to bombard the list with minutiae, but there are some quite odd 
things buried in the Frame help files that look like they've been there since 
the 1990s -
E.g. in "Home / Using FrameMaker 11 / Templates and Page Layout / Formats > 
Fonts" I found this little oddball:

-      "Do not use the Courier(r) font when Adobe Type Manager(r) is turned off 
or not installed. If you do use Courier without ATM, FrameMaker products do not 
accurately display the Courier font."

Lol what on earth is that about? Adobe Type Manager hasn't been needed for 
working with PostScript Type1 fonts since Windows 2000!


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