For troubleshooting, first make sure you clear the TOC entries from the
previous generate so that you know there is nothing that is remaining in the
TOC that you aren't sure came from the current generate.

If that doesn't result in something useful, check the box that creates
hyperlinks in the TOC and then generate it. Use the feature that allow you
to jump to the hyperlink destination (Cntrl-Alt-Click, all at the same time,
on the TOC entry) and see if the page you land on is on the page that it
says in the TOC. That should give some good clues as to what is happening.

Keep us posted.


[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of David Millis
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 11:34 AM
To: framers at
Subject: TOC has incorrect page numbers

Hello FFs (Fellow Framers).

This morning I discovered that the page numbering that is showing in my TOC
is incorrect. The numbers are correct for a couple of chapters and at the
beginning of the 3rd chapter. Then, in the middle of the 3rd chapter, the
numbers are off by a page (should be 32 and is showing 31 in the TOC). I'm
only using Headings 1 and 2 in the TOC and it's a Heading 1 where it starts
to go south.

This is unstructured Frame 7.2 on a Windows 7 machine.

Can someone give me some ideas as to what to look for? I would have an idea
if the numbering was wrong starting at the beginning of a chapter, just not
starting mid-chapter.

Thank you for your help in advance.

David Millis

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