Somehow, the 7-part series that Tom Aldous created in 2011 on all aspects of 
XML and structured FrameMaker expired. Last night I was able to restore all 
episodes. They now appear in chronological order near the top of our "Recorded 
webinars" list in my signature below.

I also created a blog with a brief description of each episode and a visible 
link to each episode. You can see the blog by using the short URL below:

Note: this "vintage" webinar uses FrameMaker 10, but tools and principles are 
basically the same. Although some menus have been streamlined in FM11, you will 
have problem following the steps. Several of the webinar episodes have sample 
files (e.g. scripts, conversion tables and sample scripts) that you can 
download and try out for yourself.

Thanks to the many people who brought this to my team's attention. Here is a 
TWEET if you wish to share the news:
"Classic" 7-Part Aldous series on "Unstructured to XML" webinar series 
republished - #FrameMaker -

Maxwell Hoffmann |? Product? Evangelist? |? Adobe? |? p. 503.336.5952? |? c. 
503.805.3719? |? mhoffman at -?
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