todd.bersley at wrote:

> I just received a batch of 200+ FrameMaker 4, 5.5, and 6 files that I need to
> get into Frame 10 and then convert into Word and PDF. However, when I try to
> open them in either Frame 7 or Frame 10, I get the following error message:
> "Cannot lock this file for your use. Your changes to it may conflict with the
> work of other users. File <file path name>".
> When I click Continue the file opens, but I cannot edit it or use the Save As
> button, since it is not available.

Your forum post contains additional information that seems relevant: 

"The error message gives me the option to "Continue" or "Cancel." Selecting 
"Continue" opens Save Document, but when I try to save I receive another 
message, "Save Document. The directory of disk t: is full. Choose another 
directory or disk." I work on a network drive, have rebooted, but no luck." 

Did you try to save to your local hard drive? Did you check to see if the 
network file share mapped to your drive letter t: really is full? (IT sometimes 
imposes limits on how much space on a server you can use.) 

> I tried changing permissions on all the files, which appeared to be successful
> since they no longer indicate that they are read-only and the security
> settings have grey checkmarks indicating I have write permissions. After
> changing permissions, the error message no longer comes up, but I still can't
> edit the files and do not have access to the Save As command. But clearly,
> some setting in the old Frame file is prohibiting me from editing the file. ?I
> can print a PDF file, and then use Acrobat to save it into a Word file, but
> this is a very roundabout way to get these files into Frame 10.

Changing permissions on the files doesn't change the permissions on the 
directory in which they reside. It's possible that you don't have write 
permission for that directory. Or you're out of available space. Did you try 
copying/saving other files to the same network location? What you've described 
may well have nothing to do with FM. 

> The Adobe forum had an entry on this issue, but the only response didn't help
> much:
> Any suggestions on how to unlock them so I can use them in Frame 10?
> BTW, is there a search function on the framers list to seek out topic
> discussions that might be relevant? I only see the archive, which lists items
> in chronological order.

Google "<search-string>" (sans quotes). 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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