Nancy, consider creating markers for all headings, regardless of 
whether you plan to use them or not. Let RoboHelp break them into 
topics. Then in your RoboHelp TOC and browse sequences, just include 
the topics that you want. Yes, the unwanted ones will go along for 
the ride when the file is generated, but users won't know they are 
there because neither the TOC nor the browse sequence uses them.


At 11:00 AM 3/1/2013, you wrote:
>From: Nancy Allison <maker at>
>Precedence: list
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>To: framers at
>Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2013 10:18:45 -0600 (CST)
>Message-ID: <1566519.1789592.1362154725119.JavaMail.root at vznit170134>
>Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
>Subject: Re: RE: Chunking FM files into Topics for RH
>Message: 25
>Dang, I think.
>Let's say I have a longish chapter:
>Chapter Title
>Internal TOC
>Heading 1 Intro
>Heading 2
>Heading 2
>Heading 2
>Heading 1
>Heading 2
>Heading 2
>Heading 2
>Let's say that, of all of that content, the only content I want to 
>transform into .html topic files are the sections with asterisks:
>Chapter Title
>Internal TOC
>**Heading 1 Intro
>**Heading 2
>Heading 2
>Heading 2
>****Heading 1
>****Heading 2
>*Heading 2
>Heading 2
>  Let's further say that I want to combine the two sections preceded 
> by ** into one .html topic file, and I also want to do the same 
> with the two sections preceded by ****.
>In other words, I want to carve information out of the larger 
>chapter and only convert that carved-out info into online help.
>I was hoping I could insert a marker called, say, Customer Help 
>Marker Start at the beginning of each chunk and a marker called 
>Custom Help  Marker End at the end, thus identifying each new .html 
>topic that way, but that is not to be, eh?
>Instead, I need to use a combination of conditional text and custom 
>markers to get the effects I want.
>Does that sum it up?

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