The caveat here (as I just discovered) is that using those four Modify
lines apparently turns cursor key navigation in the regular text OFF.

On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Heiko Haida <info at> wrote:
> Hi Rick,
> I checked with my FM 8 and FM 9 installations - table navigation was "OFF".
> Your suggestion is to add:
> <Modify MoveIPToCellAtRight <KeySequence /Right >>
> <Modify MoveIPToCellAtLeft <KeySequence /Left >>
> <Modify MoveIPToCellAbove <KeySequence /Up >>
> <Modify MoveIPToCellBelow <KeySequence /Down >>
> In FM 8, I had a modification installed (Shlomo Perets' toolbar). I added
> these 4 lines to the existing "custumui.cfg" => table navigation via key
> arrows is now ON!
> In FM 9 there was no "customui.cfg", so I created this file with these 4
> lines as the only content => table navigation is now ON!
> So everything's fine and working in these older FM-versions. Thank you!
> Best regards -
> Tino H. Haida, Berlin
> Hi Fred,
> I specifically tested the four I modified with FrameMaker 10 and they
> worked. I don't have 9 anymore so I can't test it with 9. Send me the modify
> sequences you tried and I will test them. It could be a problem specific to
> 9, but maybe the syntax isn't exactly right. Thanks.
> Rick
> From: Fred Ridder [mailto:docudoc at]
> Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2013 12:11 AM
> To: rick at; syed.hosain at; alison.craig at 
> framers at
> Subject: RE: Cursor key navigation in tables
> Thanks Rick and Syed.
> In my poking around earlier today, I did find these commands in cmds.cfg and
> tried to reassign the MoveIPToCellAbove and ...CellBelow commands to more
> convenient shortcut keys. But whether I left them alone, changed the
> <KeySequence > definition, or added a <Modify > command, those two MoveIP
> commands refuse to do anything. ...CellAtLeft and ...CellAtRight both work,
> as do MoveIPUpAndSelectText and MoveIPDownAndSelectText, but not the two
> commands I specifically want to use. I suppose I'll just have to use the
> move and select commands, because at least it's better than having to reach
> for the mouse every damn time.
> What's frustrating is that I *know* these commands worked in FM5.5.6, 6.0,
> 7.x and 8.0. Chalk up one mlore feature that got broken and never fixed when
> Adobe saw fit to impose their stupid and inconvenient (and buggy...) UI on
> us with version 9.0. Sigh...
> I suppose I *should* report this bug to Adobe, but every time I have done it
> in the past has been an exercise in ultimate frustration. Every time it has
> taken me between one and two hours to accomplish something that should have
> taken 10-15 minutes. And ever since software development and maintenance was
> moved to Bangalore, the only response I have ever gotten to a reported bug
> was that "we fixed the software to make it work the way it was supposed to
> work". Never mind that the new behavior was illogical and inconsistent with
> how other similar features worked, the mere fact that FrameMaker now behaved
> differently meant that a whole flock of my carefully designed procedures and
> processes no longer worked. I might have chalked it up to job security, but
> my employer (by acquisition...) chose to shut down their operation here in
> New Jersey. But that's a story for another day...
> Thanks for your efforts, guys.
> Fred Ridder
>> From: rick at
>> To: Syed.Hosain at; Alison.Craig at;
>> docudoc at; framers at
>> Subject: RE: Cursor key navigation in tables
>> Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2013 22:04:34 -0400
>> Open the FrameMaker/Fminit/Config/customui.cfg file in a text editor and
>> add
>> these lines:
>> <Modify MoveIPToCellAtRight <KeySequence /Right >>
>> <Modify MoveIPToCellAtLeft <KeySequence /Left >>
>> <Modify MoveIPToCellAbove <KeySequence /Up >>
>> <Modify MoveIPToCellBelow <KeySequence /Down >>
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Lin Sims

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