Yes, Steve, it's true.

There will be no CS7, just CC (Creative Cloud) apps.


Single apps can be rented for $20/month, the entire suite is 
$50/month. There are first year discounts for some current users.

CC requires that your computer get on-line and renew your 
subscriptions (licenses) every 30 days.

>I have just heard a rumor that the CS Suite is going to available in 
>future only on an SaaS basis, by subscription. TCS/FrameMaker could 
>I do wonder whether the accountants that run large corporates like 
>Adobe understand how important their software is to the countless 
>thousands of freelances who have to scrape every last penny to buy 
>it - but at least then they own something, not vapor that goes phut 
>as soon as you stop paying for it.
>For the last two decades FrameMaker, Illustrator, Acrobat and 
>Dreamweaver have been the rocks underpinning what I do. I'm far less 
>sure about the future, though.
>Steve [somewhat aghast]


Bill & Bunny Kuhlman

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