
This may be what I've been missing for years! Can't recall ever seeing that
"next available" pagination option in/from the book. You'd think my
colleagues who actually got FM training would have known. I'm
self-taught--no excuse, but heck I can't be expected to discover everything
on my own! (sheepish look)

Thank you!

On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Fred Ridder <docudoc at> wrote:

> You need to look at the pagination properties of the *next* file following
> the problem file in the book. If that file is set to start on a right page
> rather than on next available, of course you will get the preceding file
> changing itself to an even page count, because it has to in order to make
> the book come out right.
> And remember that you will only see the "next available" options for
> pagination when you access the pagination properties from the book window.
> -Fred Ridder
> ------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 24 May 2013 15:07:14 -0700
> Subject: Page Count and Numbering Properties Not Working?
> From: karendesign at
> To: framers at
> From time to time, files whose pagination was set to Delete Empty Pages
> have inexplicably changed to Make Page Count Even, resulting in an extra
> blank page at the end of any file with an odd number of pages. This hasn't
> happened in a long time--maybe not since I installed FM11--but it reared
> its ugly head again today.
> Also, changing the Numbering Properties setting to Continue Numbering from
> Previous Page in Book doesn't work at all. Not only doesn't the book
> renumber on update (despite an alert telling me that book numbers and
> document numbers don't agree so Frame is going to use book numbers--at
> least that's what I think it means), but on next view the radio button for
> this option is deselected and the one for manual page number entry is
> re-selected. (Yes, I'm certain I selected the right radio button, clicked
> "Set", and saved each file before this happened.)
> Seems odd that pagination is not behaving on two counts at the same time.
> Thanks for any help.
> --Karen
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