Art, I've been publishing a cookbook via Amazon's POD 
and also via Kindle for a couple years and it has been a good 
experience. They take less of a cut per sale and give you great 
exposure. I actually set it up first for Kindle, and 
came along for the ride sort of automatically. If you want spiral 
binding, then I've been using for the same book.

I don't know anything about their requirements re landscape format.


At 01:05 PM 11/25/2013, Art Campbell wrote:
>So I'm looking at Lulu, but remembering that 5 years or so ago, when I
>evaluated them for documentation POD, the samples weren't good.
>Any recent feedback from anyone?

Carol J. Elkins---A Written Word LLC
Making Information Understandable
Phone: 719-948-3773
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