I never used version 8. And every time my xrefs broke it was either the xref 
marker had been deleted during editing or the relative path had been changed. 

Scott T.

> On Sep 30, 2013, at 17:40, "VLM TechSubs" <TechSubs at 
> VibrantLivingMinistries.org> wrote:
> Greetings!
> I put xref markers in throughout a book. These markers are simple xrefs to 
> other chapters, nothing fancy. I generate the book, all is well. After 
> working for a while, I do another generate (sometimes with intervening 
> generates that were fine), and all of a sudden, lots of broken xrefs. I fix 
> them all, generate, and all is well. Several generates later, poof! A large 
> number of broken xrefs again.
> Has anyone else encountered something like this?
> Thanks,
> Elchanan
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