As a workflow that would be simply impractical.

This product has many, many button icons. More than exist in Word, for example. 
Many more.

I won't be using all of them. As I'm writing I will be 'inventing' procedures 
where I need to say 'Click X to ...'

I need a quick method for placing a screenshot of the button icon inline in a 

If I were writing in Word, I'd just paste the bitmap and use a macro to adjust 
size (if required).
If I were writing in HTML I'd save the bitmap as a file, then type a link in 
the html (using a class to control size and placing).

In Frame it seems to be a four-step manual process to paste and place the 
bitmap - and the placing and sizing can't even be controlled with a style.

-----Original Message-----
From: framers-bounces at 
[] On Behalf Of David Creamer
Sent: 11 September 2013 13:55
To: framers at
Subject: Re: Inserting inline graphics

What about converting the graphic to a font?

David Creamer
IDEAS Training
Adobe Authorized Instructor & Certified Expert since 1995


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