On 2013-Sep-26 11:20 AM, Dave.Stamm at gdc4s.com wrote:
> 2013-09-26-04T15:20Z
> Windows 7 Enterprise operating system, 64-bit, 8 GB RAM
> FrameMaker, interface:  Structured
> working with unstructured .book and its "children"
> Help, please.
> Within the last two weeks for no reason that I can determine, the behavior of 
> FrameMaker's interface has changed such that:
>     1.  The title bar no longer appears.
>     2.  When I focus on a "child" file, the "Application bar" appears above 
> the menu bar.
>     3.  When I choose _anything_ in the .book window, the "Application bar" 
> disappears.  This shifts everything up.
>     4.  When I focus on a "child" file, the "Application bar" reappears above 
> the menu bar.  This shifts everything down.
> Seeing this oh, say, a hundred times a day is _very_ frustrating and a _lot_ 
> of "visual load" that I don't want.
> I want the interface to:
>     1.  Display the title bar.
>     1.  Not display the "Application bar."
>     2.  Display the icons from the "Application bar" on the menu bar and to 
> the right of the menu names.
> ?I hope that one or more of you gurus will provide the solution soon!
> ?Thanks!
> Dave Stamm
> Information Engineer
> _______________________________________________


Have you tried resetting your workspace (from the pulldown to the left 
of the minimize/maximize/close buttons)?  I'm on unstructured FM10, so 
can't test.

You could also try these: 


Stuart Rogers
Technical Communicator
Phoenix Geophysics Limited
3781 Victoria Park Avenue, Unit 3
Toronto, ON, Canada  M1W 3K5
+1 (416) 491-7340 x 325


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