Hi Eric:

We adopted Agile practices almost two years ago and we're still working out 
best practices (but that will always be an ongoing task), so I can tell you 
what I've found so far with documentation in FrameMaker.

Basically, what you've been told about modular documentation is not necessary 
for working with an Agile development group. All I've had to do is allow 
developers to document their little bit of code development that they achieve 
in a sprint (in our case, 2 weeks). We've defined their coding task as "done" 
when it's documented, so I get the documentation in incremental pieces as the 
sprints go by. I suppose this makes the documentation "modular" in the sense 
that they can easily find the place where they need to document things and 
there's a minimum of ripple effect, or the ripple effect is obvious (like 
cross-references), but I haven't had to break up our documentation. We're still 
using a book paradigm.

Working Agile means that a lot of documentation gets reworked over and over 
again, but on the bright side, it always reflects the product at the end of the 
sprint, so the documentation and the software are always synchronized.

I don't know anything about Polarion, so I've just looked up the website, and 
after a few minutes of reading and watching the overview video (so take this 
with a grain of salt), it looks like a project and process management tool, but 
I don't see why your engineers would want to access FrameMaker's API from it. 
Unless you currently do your requirements and specifications documents in 

Back to what I do know. We are using  Atlassian's tool called Jira to help us 
manage our workflow in an Agile way. It has an Agile plug-in so that we can 
create epics and stories, plan sprints, track velocity, and so on. If all this 
is Greek to you, you should read up on Agile practices. There's loads of 
information on the internet, so I won't bother sending you links. And every 
company has their own implementation of Agile depending on corporate culture, 
industry, etc. so even with the reading, you should find out what your 
engineers are doing, and make sure they make you part of the team. You should 
be sprinting along with them.

What you described as "modular" is really re-usable; that is, the same 
information can be re-used in different places. That doesn't have anything to 
do with working Agile. Maybe you should find out why they think you'd suddenly 
have to start sharing information between manuals.

Fei Min Lorente
Senior Technical Communicator and Business Process Analyst
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2016 15:52:44 -0800
From: eric_isaac...@selinc.com
To: framers@lists.frameusers.com
Subject: [Framers] "Modularity" and FrameMaker
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi! I'm looking for some guidance for a challenge I was given. My workplace is 
wanting to make products using Agile development and by making things more 
"modular". I don't know that management knows what this means exactly, but I 
have been tasked to see how our product literature can and should fit in with 
this idea. The basic idea as I understand it is that we would have bits of 
information about a product that could be shared in multiple manuals and 
possibly other documents (such as requirement specifications). One engineer 
involved mentioned that in order to manage all of the software development, the 
company plans to use Polarion (and he asked me about Frame and API 
possibilities--I found the Frame Developer Center page and passed that along to 
him). I also know that Atlassian tools are also being used (I believe in 
regards to the Agile development initiative), but I do not understand how those 
two sets of tools are related.

Has anyone had any experience with similar concepts or with the specific tools 
as they relate to using FrameMaker? How does structure documentation fit in 
with this, if at all? Any pointers to things I can read or consultants to 
consult or training I can attend? Anything at all would be helpful. I feel like 
I'm on my tip-toes and the water is up to my neck already. I know, I know, 


Fyi: We're currently using unstructured Frame 12 in Windows 7. We output PDF 
for print and the web as our deliverable.

Eric Isaacson
Product Literature Manager
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