Hi Lynne!

Thank you! This solved my problem! At least in Fm2015. I hope it will work in 
Fm11 as well.

I am actually using both Fm11 and Fm2015.

(I have marked the issue Correct in the Adobe Forum.)

Best regards, Anna Lena

Från: Lynne A. Price <forums_nore...@adobe.com>
Skickat: den 23 februari 2016 14:53
Till: Anna Lena Söderling
Ämne: [FrameMaker] Why does Fm remove space after Xref in xml files?

Why does Fm remove space after Xref in xml files?
created by Lynne A. Price<https://forums.adobe.com/people/Lynne+A.+Price> in 
FrameMaker - View the full 

This discussion should be moved to the Structured FrameMaker forum.

I believe there is a bug in the handling of the 
RemoveExtraWhiteSpacesOnXMLImport setting in maker.ini. This setting is 
intended to condense sequences of spaces used in pretty-printed XML documents 
to a single space. It seems to remove a space after a cross-reference as well. 
If you have control of the XML you are reading and can avoid such white space 
(or other situations in which the input may have extra spaces), the best 
solution is to set this flag to Off.

What version of FM are you using? I don't remember whether this bug was fixed 
in FM 2015.


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