Don't worry about some point, just do a search and replace
and change all occurrences to a variable. You want to use a variable for
product names...sure as hell, at some point, marketing is going to change
product names.

John X Posada
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From:   "Monique Semp" <>
To:     <>
Date:   04/06/2016 12:24 PM
Subject:        [Framers] preventing 2-word product name from line breaks ?
Sent by:        "Framers"       <framers-bounces

Hello, Framers,

(Using FrameMaker 2015, but I don’t think that matters.)

I have a 2-word product name that I don’t want to break across lines. I
know that I could always use a non-breaking space between the words to
prevent line breaks. But that’s hard to remember to do all the time. And
the search function treats the spaces as a diff, so if I’ve got
inconsistent usage (some regular spaces, some non-breaking spaces), a
single search won’t find everything.

Another idea is to use a variable, with the space entered as a non-breaking
space. But sure as the sky is blue on this gorgeous day in San Francisco,
at some point I’ll forget and just directly type the product name without a
space, and later edits will push it to the end of the line into a line
break situation.

The Format > Document > Text Options lets you specify “Allow Line Breaks
After” chars, but doesn’t have a “Don’t Allow Line Breaks” option, which is
what I really want here.

Any suggestions for other approaches or utilities I can try?


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