The originator of this post was notified last week and his emails have been put on moderated status.

I want to strongly discourage people from clicking links in ANY email they receive. If they really want to visit the site, manually type it in the address bar of their browser.

Also, while I'm thinking of it, I have not set this list to prevent attachments, but I also discourage them. Not only can they be risky, attachments to emails on this list download to EVERYONE's computer. Most people object to uninvited attachments. It is far better to upload whatever it is you want to share to a place on your own server or on Dropbox and then provide a link. People can then decide for themselves if they want to look at what you want to share. If they do, then the aforementioned cautions about clicking links apply.

Carol Elkins
List Mom

At 08:05 AM 4/18/2016, you wrote:
I think Carol may have had her (his?) account compromised. I would advise
not clicking that link. If you have, I suggest running every antivirus and
anti-malware tool you've got.

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 9:18 AM, Abungu, Salome <> wrote:

> When I click on the link you sent, I'm directed to TMZ.


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