Hi! Anyone got problems using the svg2pdf filter in FM2015?
I have to choose dpi. Is that because it is converted to PDF? Anyway, it seems the svg graphic has to have a given size in width x height. If it is width="100%" height="100%" Fm makes all graphics 152,4 mm if I choose 72 dpi. I thought the information found in viewBox="0 0 33.273 11.205" (an example) is telling the size but Fm seems to ignore it. Any suggestions? -- Med vänlig hälsning Kind regards | Mit freundlichen Grüßen Anna Lena Söderling [image: StoneBeach AB] Strandbergsgatan 61 *|* 112 51 STOCKHOLM +46(0)763 382 304 email <annalena.soderl...@stonebeach.se> | web <http://www.stonebeach.se/> | map <https://goo.gl/maps/jL9q8o7nK1A2> "Samverkan genom effektiv information™" _______________________________________________ This message is from the Framers mailing list Send messages to framers@lists.frameusers.com Visit the list's homepage at http://www.frameusers.com Archives located at http://www.mail-archive.com/framers%40lists.frameusers.com/ Subscribe and unsubscribe at http://lists.frameusers.com/listinfo.cgi/framers-frameusers.com Send administrative questions to listad...@frameusers.com