Hello Yves and Lynne

Thanks to you both for the information and for your kind offers. I am very impressed with all your willingness to help. As mentioned to Rick, I need to do a lot more research yet, but may take you up on it later.

Lynne - I have made conversion tables before, so that is not a problem. Thanks for the tip about not needing a DTD. My Word docs (not written by me) are all four pages long, and the style usage is probably about 80%. I agree that there will be a lot of cleanup to do first, but I can assemble dozens of files at once into a single file and hopefully use Find/Replace and/or VBA to handle a lot of it, then split the files up again later.

Lots of thinking to do before I pitch in!



On 22/07/2019 14:00, Yves Barbion wrote:
Hi Roger

I still use MIF2Go for Word to DITA conversions (via Frame, of course).
Yes, it still works with FrameMaker 11 on Windows 10 and yes, it's
incredibly powerful. I still have a (very old) video here on YouTube which
shows you more or less how it works:


If you're interested, we can have a webmeeting or you can send me a sample
Word file to give it a whirl.

I wish someone would update MIF2Go for the later versions of Frame. Jeremy
Griffith did some really nice work here.


Yves Barbion

On Mon, 22 Jul 2019 at 14:37, Rick Quatro <r...@rickquatro.com> wrote:

Hi Roger,

If they are docx files, you can replace the .docx extension with .zip and
get to the content inside the document. It will be the cluttered Word XML,
but you can then use ExtendScript or XSLT to transform it to something
useful. If you want to have a web meeting to explore this, please contact
offlist. Thanks.


Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Framers <framers-bounces+rick=rickquatro....@lists.frameusers.com>
Behalf Of Roger Shuttleworth
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 8:18 AM
To: Framers <framers@lists.frameusers.com>
Subject: [Framers] OT: Word to XML

Hello Framers

This is somewhat off-topic as it doesn't directly concern FrameMaker
it could). Nevertheless, I know there are people on this list who are much
more knowledgeable than I, so here goes...

I have a set of well over 100 Word documents (I know...) that I would like
to convert to simple XML (not the kind that Word exports!). They are all
four pages long and pretty consistent in terms of structure, and paragraph
styles are used for the most part, though not character styles. If you were
me, what methods would you look at?

I have used structured FM for years and am familiar with DITA and DocBook.
know that there is a route from Word doc > FrameMaker > Structured
FrameMaker > XML that would involve creating a conversion table, a DTD, and
a structured application. I have done that in the past, though it was a few
years ago. I realise that it would mean a lot of up-front work to get it
working, as well as ensuring that styles are used fully and consistently in
my source documents.

But is that what you would recommend?

I have FM11. Would a later version of FM add anything to that?

Or is there a non-FrameMaker route that I am unaware of? I have done a web
search but not come up with much. Is there a route via HTML or XHTML?

What about MIF2Go? I understand that it still works with FM11, but is it
capable of converting to XML?

Any and all ideas would be welcome. I value your input as it will help me
avoid a lot of dead ends.



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