On 7 Dec 2020 at 14:45, Simon BUCH wrote:

> So, I think you might have to find the property item, and then set the 
> ival [integer value] and sval [string values] like this:
>      var sProps = new PropVals(), flagCombo = 0, index ;
>      index = GetPropIndex(sProps, Constants.FS_FindText)
>      if (index > -1) sProp[index].propVal.sval = sSearch ;

Simon, I just tested this method - and it does not work (or: I made a severe 
error in 

/*Test_MiniFind-a.jsx ====== UTF-8 ===========================
              Test for the functions GetFindParameters, FindSomething
History       2020-12-08
*/ ; // ======================================================
#target framemaker

GetFindParameters ("\\d[st|nd|rd|th]");

function GetFindParameters (sSearch) { //======================
//           Set up a text find with case sensitive RegEx
var findParms, index, qFlags, oPropVal1, oPropVal2, oPropVal3; 

  findParms = new PropVals();

  index = GetPropIndex(findParms, Constants.FS_FindText);
  if (index > -1) findParms[index].propVal.sval = sSearch ;

  index = GetPropIndex(findParms, Constants.FS_FindCustomizationFlags);
  if (index > -1) {
    findParms[index].propVal.valType = Constants.FT_Integer; 
    qFlags = 0; 
    qFlags = qFlags   | Constants.FF_FIND_CONSIDER_CASE; // 0x01
    qFlags = qFlags   | Constants.FF_FIND_USE_REGEX;     // 0x10
    findParms[index].propVal.ival = qFlags

  index = GetPropIndex(findParms, Constants.FS_RegexFlavour);
  if (index > -1) findParms[index].propVal.ival = Constants.FR_USE_PERL; 

  $.bp(true);   // findParms => empty, null
  return findParms;
} //---  end GetFindParameters ---------------------------------------

In all steps the result of index is -4 = Constants.FE_BadPropNum. IMHO this is 
due to 
the fact that I do not check existing properties but a completely empty set 
Klaus Daube             Phone:  +41-44-381 37 77
Schäracher 11           Mail:   kl...@daube.ch
CH-8053 Zürich          Web:    www.daube.ch


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