Tammy, that sounds hair-tearingly-out frustrating!
I don't have any brilliant technical clues to help you, but would it be
just as fast (e.g., slow) to use Snag-It to capture the equation in Word
when it's on-screen, and save that?
If you're already opening the exported images from Word in Snag-it, would
that save a step?
Or does that not result in any great advantage or better resolution? I
don't have Snag-it on this computer so I don't know what the image
resolution options are when capturing.

Good luck!

On Thu, Aug 5, 2021 at 5:32 PM <tamm...@spectrumwritingllc.com> wrote:

> I have an equation-laden document that I am writing. The equations are
> being
> created in a Word doc (.docx) using Word's native equation editor. The
> .docx
> file is then saved as an .htm/.html file and all the equations in the
> document are automatically saved as .pngs in a separate folder named as
> image.(n), where n is the image number.  I double-click an equation in this
> folder to automatically open the equation in my image editor (SnagIT - I
> don't need anything as heavy as Photoshop as I am not doing any
> modifications to the equations) and save the equation without any changes
> to
> it whatsoever with a new name. I then import the image into Framemaker by
> reference.   I don't mess w/ the dpi of the image when I select it for
> import - any image in the folder that was created during the saving of the
> Word file shows a dpi of 96 in the Imported Graphic Scaling dialog box when
> I select it for import and although this seems nutty to me (because none of
> the images are over-sized). . . they look clear and crisp in the source FM
> file (The Advanced Properties of any image in SnagIT is also showing a
> resolution of 96 dpi);  however, upon generation of the PDF, it goes to
> h*ll
> in a handbasket. The equation looks almost as if the font is almost bold
> and
> therefore much darker than the text in the FM source file, and it's not
> nearly as crisp and clear as in the source FM document - it actually looks
> blurry/pixelated.
> Initially, the font that was  being used in the equations is Cambria Math,
> Size 14 with a default color of black without any lightening of the color.
> (The font that is being used in the book is also set to a default color of
> black without any lightening of the color.) I tried lightening the font
> color by different percentages in the Word document and then regenerated
> the
> equations as graphics, and that helps a bit, but overall, these graphics
> are
> just not nearly as crisp as they need to be in the final PDF.  Any other
> graphics that were taken as a capture and then imported by reference as
> are as crisp as I am used to in FM.
> I am just at a loss for how to get this cleared up, but it's absolutely
> mandatory that I get this problem resolved because the whole focus of the
> book is the equations.
> Any thoughts are sincerely appreciated.
> Tammy Van Boening
> Principal/Owner
> Spectrum Writing, LLC
> www.spectrumwritingllc.com <http://www.spectrumwritingllc.com>
> 303-840-1755
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