We are agree that include FileSystemStorage and AttachmentField in the
core is not a good idea. We thought to include them in Plone bundle but
the better way is perhaps to put them in Archetypes bundle

That's Nouri's turf, so ask him.

>> It's my feeling that writing and promoting a good how-to on the issue
>> including how people can deal with this right now (including Plone 2.1.x
>> and above) would be more valuable than actually getting this into the
>> core.
> +10
> I've asked, believe me. :)

We can do this.

That'd be great! 

Another thing to explore - I believe ATCT currently has some conditional stuff to use ExternalStorage for ATFile if it is available and switched on. It's possible that we could make this kind of a switch for FileSystemStorage *if* it's transparent and *if* it works with FSS not installed.

An alternative would be to have a product that is dead-simple derivation from ATFile like:

class ExternalFile(ATFile):
  schema = ATFile.schema
  schema['file'].storage = FileSystemStorage()
  meta_type = 'External File'
  portal_type = 'External File'
  archetype_name = 'File'

with an install script that turns off global_allow for File and turns it on for ExternalFile instead.

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