On 4. apr. 2007, at 09.09, Alexander Limi wrote:

3.0.x minor are for bug and security fixes, not feature changes.

So in 9 months, we can add comments without reloading the page,

It is worth noting, though, that one theory to why there is a long span between releases is that people keep putting new stuff into the release last-minute instead of just starting a branch and completing the feature regardless of when in the cycle we are.

I have noted there is some interest in a new discussion about the release process (like: 'when did we decide to not follow the official time-based releases we decided on after-all? - and is the current way the better way?'). I have met all such requests with "let's first get 3.0 done, so we don't interfere and mix discussions of particular features and development with the discussion of the process itself.

Anyway, in my opinion, we should schedule this discussion for soon after the release of 3.0.


Geir Bækholt   ·   Plone Solutions  ·  http://plonesolutions.com

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