Andreas Zeidler wrote:
On Nov 28, 2007, at 1:54 PM, Raphael Ritz wrote:
Wichert Akkerman wrote:
I have prepared a review bundle for PLIP 195:

Maybe there's something wrong on my side but when calling
buildout I just got:

the buildout works nicely here — that's including adding a plone site and quick-installing the sample product, which then triggers installing its dependencies as well...

Thanks Andi for reassuring me that the problem is indeed on my side
(I still didn't fully recover from a crash of my machine recently - maybe
even caused by the unified installer but I digress ...)
and sorry to Wichert for me potentially indicating there could be
something wrong with his buildout. Again it was my fault.

Now to the real thing.

Everything seems to be working as indicated. So far, I only noticed
the following:

Installing ProductOne indeed triggers installation of ProductTwo
but after that ProductTwo disappears from the plone add-on products
panel completely.
In ZMI it is listed as an installed product but without the option to
tick it for un- or reinstall.

Not sure this is intended.

While I can see a point in preventing users from uninstalling a product
that has been installed as a dependency by some other product
I find it at least surprising that this product isn't even listed
in the UI anymore.

Whether it would make sense to allow re-installation via ZMI can
be debated I guess.

Without further checking I currently assume this to be a consequence
of the the dependency being marked as locked on install.

A further consequence of this is what happens when you uninstall
ProductOne. Now, ProductTwo stays installed (because it's locked)
but remains invisible in the plone panel and unselectable in ZMI.
This can now really lead to the impression the ProductTwo is gone
while actually still being installed :-(

Nor sure this is really what we want in terms of UI.

Opinions anyone?



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