On Dec 14, 2007 1:50 AM, Martin Aspeli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Malthe Borch wrote:
> > If this belongs in Plone, then it's pretty much ready for inclusion.
> >
> >    http://plone.org/products/plone/roadmap/216
> I do quite like this approach. I think it brings back some of the
> "convention over configuration" we've been moving away from.

> Does this conflict in any way with CacheFu? I say that because IIRC it
> monkey patches pt_render() and IIRC so does CacheFu. Not a criticism,
> just something to watch out for.

By the looks of it it wraps the pt_render that's there. As long as
CacheFu does the same thing, they can co-exist just fine. Only when
one or the other discards the original method and replaces it
completely do we have a problem, but only if the ordering is out.

*/me checks*. At a quick glance CacheSetup does store the old method
for calling, but only calls it when caching is disabled. In other
words, it wraps the pt_render it finds there, but ignores it when
caching is enabled. Could the PLIP address this and make sure it's
patch is not going to get botched by CacheFu? Pre-emptively import
CacheFu's patches would already work around this, for example.

> My only concern would be whether this ties us into an implementation
> that we could want to solve differently in the future, e.g. using named
> template adapters. Again, not a criticism, it just needs to be thought
> through.

I don't see any reason why the two approaches can't compliment each other.

Martijn Pieters

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