Hi everybody!

Recently I was a bit confused what the actual development process actually is and if there might be additional ways to inform people of deadlines etc.

As I usually react better to stuff in my calendar than mailing lists (as they sometimes become too much traffic for me to handle) I setup a Google Calendar with the next dates regarding the 3.1 release (or releases in general but 3.1 is all I knew about).

So here are all the details:


(some people are also already subscribed to it).

After doing that I learned that Andreas did something similar for the 3.1 release on the release page.

Another way might be to put important deadline on the planet, some people might prefer RSS.

Another thing I wasn't clear about was what submitting a PLIP means. I thought it was about changing the workflow state on the PLIP but as I know now it's about mailing it to this list.

As I might not be the only one not being clear about all this I wonder if we could improve documentation a bit (and I'd be happy to update the page on plone.org). Additionally I would like to blog and podcast about it as I already did an interview which had this as topic.

So here are some questions to get things sorted out.

What is the actual process?

I guess it is

1. Write a PLIP, find a second person to second it
2. (will PLIPs be discussed at that point? if so, where? plone-dev? framework team?)
3. submit it to the framework team list
4. provide code as a bundle (coding is probably done even before the PLIP, should be finished for the deadline of course)
5. framework team reviews bundles
6. what happens if a bundle is dismissed?
7. release process begins (basically what's now in the calendar for 3.1)

What is the release schedule?

I know there was already some discussion about it but has it reached some consensus if we do time based releases and if so how much time inbetween will it be? I'd also suggest to announce deadlines for the next releases early then so people know they have to work or they know when the next chance to get something in will be (make it a repeatable event in the calendar ;-).

How is the team created?

What is the process for defining the framework team and the release manager?

As for the calendar I'd find it valuable to have it as I spot deadline better then. The question would be who should maintain it and which calendar to use. The calendar on the release page is static I think so I'd think an automatically updated calendar for any upcoming release might be better. So if there's interest I can also hand it over (or put the dates in myself as long as somebody CCs me with those :-) ).

best regards


Christian Scholz                         video blog: http://comlounge.tv
COM.lounge                                   blog: http://mrtopf.de/blog
Luetticher Strasse 10                                    Skype: HerrTopf
52064 Aachen                              Homepage: http://comlounge.net
Tel: +49 241 400 730 0                           E-Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax: +49 241 979 00 850                               IRC: MrTopf, Tao_T

connect with me: http://mrtopf.de/connect

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