On 7 Feb 2008, at 02:15, Raphael Ritz wrote:

Graham Perrin wrote:

I'll be more than happy to help with the WebDAV aspect, if required.

any kind of feedback is welcomeFeel free to provide any feedback you may have on this to the framework team list right away (included in cc).



In any case I have cc'd myself under <https://dev.plone.org/plone/ ticket/7732>.

My apologies for being out of the loop. I was on leave for a week or so (Zope/Plone day slotted in the middle) with no real head space for testing.

I realise that the deadline has passed, FWIW my
+1 (though I'm not on the team ;)
and comments are in Trac, around <http://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/ 7732#comment:17>

<https://dev.plone.org/plone/query?reporter=%7Egrahamperrin&summary=% 7EWebDAV> is the sum total of WebDAV issues reported by me. I'll probably revisit the four January tickets after (a) a server upgrade, 3.0.4 to 3.1 and (b) a laptop Mac OS X upgrade, 10.4.11 to 10.5.2.

On 18 Feb 2008, at 14:42, Sidnei da Silva wrote:

We can incrementally improve on what we have on this PLIP. Going from 100% broken to 100% working is not a trivial task that can be achieved in one release cycle.

Absolutely, and again I'm mostly worried about raising too high expectations where we aren't fully up to (yet) in order to avoid unnecessary frustration by those who might expect too much then.

I think we are already setting too high expectations, as Plone is advertising WebDAV on the front page:

Plays Well with Others
LDAP, SQL, SOAP, Web Services (WSDL) and WebDAV — Plone works with them all.

With respect: concerning WebDAV, I _do_ think that Plone's promise is not matched by its current delivery.

Ending on positive notes:

1) It's very useful to learn (in this list) what other people expect from WebDAV.

2) At <http://www.bud.ca/blog/plone-wishes> Kevin Teague's
'#16: IMPROVE DESKTOP INTEGRATION' was pleasantly thought provoking.
I'll post my thoughts to plone-users via <http://www.nabble.com/ General-Questions-f6742.html>.

Thanks to Sidnei, raphael, tomster, witsch and others involved in this PLIP :)

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