We need to get Plone 3.2 and 3.3 on the road. Contrary to previous releases I am not going to produce a complete schedule for the whole release process this time around - we've seen too often that those schedules keep changing anyway. Instead I'll keep planning the next two steps in the process for each release.

Lets start with Plone 3.2. This release will be a maintenance release for Plone 3.x in all aspects except packaging technology: it will be fully egg based. The first two steps for this release are:

   * egg releases of all components ready before October 1st
   * first alpha release during the Plone Conference

For Plone 3.3 we will start with a round of PLIP previews, during which the framework team can provide a verdict on the desirability of proposed PLIPs. The criteria are correct technical design, correct user interface design, and the need merge the PLIP in core instead of maintaining or maturing it as an add-on. The dates are:

   * PLIPs to be submitted before October 5th
   * framework team gives verdict on all PLIPs before October 20th

The planning is geared around the Plone conference; I am hoping that the framework team will be able to take schedule one or more discussions there to discuss these PLIPs, if possible with the PLIP authors present.


Wichert Akkerman<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    It is simple to make things.
http://www.wiggy.net/                  It is hard to make things simple.

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