
I propose plip 197 for Plone 3.3.  Or really for 3.2 as it is a small
packaging change which fits well in the overall theme of 3.2.  I
mentioned that on this list a few weeks ago without reactions.

The plip is:
#197: Add FeedParser as external requirement instead of shipping with it

Originally proposed by Christian Scholz in December 2007.  Seconded
bij Martijn Pieters.

The work has been done already:


The change is just one extra line in the setup.py of
plone.app.portlets declaring the dependency on FeedParser and the
removal of feedparser.py.

I tried some other changes like being forgiving when FeedParser cannot
be imported, but that caused more problems than it solved.


Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/
            Work | http://zestsoftware.nl/
"This is your day, don't let them take it away." [Barlow Girl]

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