On 29 okt 2008, at 10:05, Tom Lazar wrote:

On Oct 28, 2008, at 10:20 PM, Danny Bloemendaal wrote:

Well, I am all in favor of having the UI fixed. Perhaps some of the
kss boys can do this. You need to have a hover event that shows a
button next to the widget (button can styles using css into a pencil
or something) and the click should trigger the edit mode.

i may be wrong, of course, but i doubt anybody of the framework team
would have voted for plip238 if we had such an implementation ;-)

heck, if we had had a plip for the above scenario, that would have
been voted in and wiggy probably would have never created #238.

IOW: i'd rather disable a suboptimal implementation of a potentially
cool feature (#238) than wait for an uncertain amount of time until we
have a UI fix for that feature.

I think that jeroen vloothuis could do this in an afternoon. we
could ask him to help.

please do! if he comes up with something, i'd like to propose that we
treat his patch as an 'alternative implementation of #238', i.e. if we
think of #238 as 'fixing inline editing' then jeroen's patch could
still become part of plone 3.3 instead of sticking it into a new plip
(which would then obviously have to wait until 3.4)

just my $0.02,


I talked to Jeroen and he believes it is not hard to do so I asked him to do it on top of this plip (http://plone.org/products/plone/roadmap/238 ). He is not garanteeing that it will be finished in time for 3.3 but we'll see.
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