On May 12, 2009, at 4:23 PM, Steve McMahon wrote:

Ideally, a framework team should have an odd number of members in
order to avoid tie votes. However, in watching the last couple of
voting sessions for Plone 3, I noticed that there were not that many
PLIPS on which every person voted. So, I think the 'odd number' rule
of thumb isn't really that important.

<parliamentary pedantry mode on>

Of course an 'odd number' usually only becomes important if something contentious is on the table which can easily result in all members casting votes.

Since most groups define majority approval as "greater than half", a split vote means it fails. The problem arises when a proposal can be legitimately worded in either the affirmative or the negative. So in the case of a split vote, the same proposed action can either pass or fall just by stating it in a different form.

In the case of PLIPs, there seems to be an unofficial rule that they are always worded in the affirmative as a proposal to change the status quo. As long as that rule is enforced and these are the only votes ever solicited then an 'odd number' rule is probably superfluous.

<parliamentary pedantry mode off>


Any guesses on how I wasted my college years?  ;-)

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