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Joel Burton wrote:
> Hello, Framework Team!
> I, myself, don't have any questions or issues about the PLIP deadline
> for 4.0. I'm not planning on submitting any PLIPs.
> Over the past two weeks, though, while chatting in IRC with various
> framework team members and other core Plone people, at least 5 have
> mentioned, without my prompting, that the deadline for 4.0 PLIPs seemed
> awfully fast in coming, and they wondered whether it may have been too
> aggressive.
> I don't know what the discussion was like in deciding on this date. It
> may still be the right decision to have it end now. I'm just suggesting
> that, if it seems that quite a few people may think that this is a
> slightly-too-soon date, that you may benefit from having that
> conversation (sometimes, groupthink kicks in and everyone might be
> assuming "this is too soon, but I'm the only person who probably thinks
> that, so no point bringing it up.") 
> Just want to make sure that's not what happens.
> In any event, have a wonderful PLIP season! I look forward to teaching
> what you invent. ;)

Isn't 4.0 deliberately a "short-hop" release, with minimal new feautres,
mostly intended to move the platform forward (to modern versions of
Zope, Python, CMF)?  Keeping the window short emphasizes that fact, at
least to my outsider's eyes.

- --
Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          tsea...@palladion.com
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"    http://palladion.com
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