#9324: Use Amberjack to offer guided help for first-time users
 Reporter:  limi           |        Owner:     
     Type:  PLIP           |       Status:  new
 Priority:  n/a            |    Milestone:  4.0
Component:  Documentation  |   Resolution:     
 Keywords:                 |  

Comment(by erikrose):

 Saw Nate's lightning talk and think AJ has a lot of potential! Reminds me
 Apple Guide] a lot. If we ever end up with any kind of online help system
 (e.g. you're in the middle of a task and get confused, so you hit some
 Help icon someplace), I could see a context-sensitive selection of AJ
 tours being offered.

 That said, I like the AJ-on-demo.plone.org idea. We can link to it from
 the default front page and see whether people find it useful. If they do,
 I could see AJ becoming the engine that drives the context-sensitive help
 I fantasize about above. But until then, I don't see a gain from
 installing this on people's local machines (though I'm always open to

 My FWT vote is -1 for shipping it with Plone, but I would love to see it
 done on demo.plone.org and linked from the default front page.

Ticket URL: <https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/9324#comment:20>
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